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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Thursday, November 03, 2005
NaNoWri kicked off Tuesday. This is my fourth year participating. I started doing it because I had been saying for years I would. Then I heard about the challenge and decided if I was ever going to do, I needed to do it then. And I did. I had little time for preperation, yet I managed to finish and be a winner. The story is a good one, but it needs tons of work. It's a romantic suspense story that is told with a lot of flashbacks. The second year I was eagerly anticipating November. I did a lot of research and had a great deal of fun with it. It was about a young teenaged girl who spends the summer with her widowed grandmothers and learns a lot about life - including cooking. She keeps a diary and writes in it each night before bed. She also learns to cook from a great aunt who helps out the grandmothers. So, I started each chapter with a recipe. The trouble was, I was getting into October (in the book) and no ending was in sight. Since "summer" was in the title, I would either have to change the title or go back and change a lot of the book and be sure I had an ending with the start of school. Last year was a coming of age in the 60's. It was my best one yet, I think. This year is an inspirational, sweet romance. I've never written anything like it, so hopefully I won't have too many difficulties. The story I have been wanting to tell for about 18 years is still on the back burner. I want to have some good experience under my belt before attempting that one. *grin* It's another romantic suspense one. But time will tell with it.
Having to recover stuff is difficult. And so much has been corrupted. I'm sick about it all. I had photos and graphics that can never be replaced. I have really learned a lesson from all of this to be sure to backup what's important. Bob is getting his own new hard drive ready to go and will then be putting his old one in my puter so I can use it as a backup. It is giving him fits, too.
Today Bob goes to the VA to see his doc about his PTSD. I'm so glad he is finally getting help for it. Already I see such a difference with him from the meds he's taking and his sessions with the doc. Soon he'll be doing some group sessions, too.
Spirit is becoming more and more at home with us. Tino accepts him, but grudingly. Buddy is ok with him, but loves to agitate him when he's tied and can't get to him. When Bob is playing with Spirit, Buddy's right there to make sure he isn't hurting Daddy. I do believe he'd try to tear into him if he believe Spirit had hurt Bob.
My coaching sessions are moving right along, too. I can hardly believe I'm into the third week already. I'm really enjoying working with my coach. I'm learning a great deal from her and about myself. I look forward to taking classes to be able to work with others. It's a lot like what I have been doing with my journaling classes. Each coach is unique and it helps to have a fresh approach so I won't get stale myself.
Well, I better get back to the writing.
So long, farewell to you and you and you..........
Having to recover stuff is difficult. And so much has been corrupted. I'm sick about it all. I had photos and graphics that can never be replaced. I have really learned a lesson from all of this to be sure to backup what's important. Bob is getting his own new hard drive ready to go and will then be putting his old one in my puter so I can use it as a backup. It is giving him fits, too.
Today Bob goes to the VA to see his doc about his PTSD. I'm so glad he is finally getting help for it. Already I see such a difference with him from the meds he's taking and his sessions with the doc. Soon he'll be doing some group sessions, too.
Spirit is becoming more and more at home with us. Tino accepts him, but grudingly. Buddy is ok with him, but loves to agitate him when he's tied and can't get to him. When Bob is playing with Spirit, Buddy's right there to make sure he isn't hurting Daddy. I do believe he'd try to tear into him if he believe Spirit had hurt Bob.
My coaching sessions are moving right along, too. I can hardly believe I'm into the third week already. I'm really enjoying working with my coach. I'm learning a great deal from her and about myself. I look forward to taking classes to be able to work with others. It's a lot like what I have been doing with my journaling classes. Each coach is unique and it helps to have a fresh approach so I won't get stale myself.
Well, I better get back to the writing.
So long, farewell to you and you and you..........
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
My birthday week
My birthday was the high light of a bad, bad week. First there were the storms from Wilma. The high winds hung around and knocked out the power. When that happened, some files got corrupted on my hard drive including windows. Soooo Cruzer had to redo windows and all my email and addresses were lost. I'm having quite the time rebuilding. He's been trying to retrieve data from the hard drive for three days and it isn't even close to being completed. And of course I had nothing backed up. Oh, I did have an adress book that was over 6 years old. It helped a tiny bit, but not with all I need. You know, losing my docs, recipes, pictures and graphics, was like losing my kids. I actually grieved. Then I had the root canal. Thank goodness for laughing gas. I actually feel asleep during the procedure. Unfortunately, I also had swelling on one side of my face and a temperature, so I'm on antibiotics. Thankfully I might take a pain killer once a day now, but that's it. Friday my writing group met. It was suppose to be a nice dinner for my birthday - not! I had to get something that could be cut into tiny pieces and not difficult to chew. *sigh* Well, I did it and had an enjoyable time.
My birthday was a beautiful day. The sun was out, there was a nice breeze and it was right around 70 degrees. Cruzer surprised me with the complete second season of the Golden Girls, a new hat - purple of course, and roses from our boys (the dogs). He also let me pick out some scrapbook supplies. Then he really surprised me with a chocolate birthday cake! I tell you, the man knows how to get straight to my heart! To top off everything, my Gators beat Georgia, so I was really riding high by the time the day ended.
So many of you sent me such wonderful greetings and well- wishes. The day is always a difficult time and my daddy died on my 30th and I greatly appreciate your words more than I can ever express.
Soooooooooo, that's my story and I'm glad it is!! ;)
My birthday was a beautiful day. The sun was out, there was a nice breeze and it was right around 70 degrees. Cruzer surprised me with the complete second season of the Golden Girls, a new hat - purple of course, and roses from our boys (the dogs). He also let me pick out some scrapbook supplies. Then he really surprised me with a chocolate birthday cake! I tell you, the man knows how to get straight to my heart! To top off everything, my Gators beat Georgia, so I was really riding high by the time the day ended.
So many of you sent me such wonderful greetings and well- wishes. The day is always a difficult time and my daddy died on my 30th and I greatly appreciate your words more than I can ever express.
Soooooooooo, that's my story and I'm glad it is!! ;)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Long weekend for us all
Having Spirit with us has been making for a long weekend. Buddy is trying to get along with him, but Tino - who is a gentle Sheltie - is having a problem. I think a lot of it has to do with Tino's bad eyesight and part is that Spirit makes two and a half of Tino. Buddy doesn't like it when Tino is upset. What he doesn't like is when Spirit puts a paw on him. Buddy is definitly alpha male and no one is going to dominate him. He also doesn't like it when Tino is upset because he protects Tino. At least he thinks he does. Being a Lhasa he is quite protective of his humans and his younger brother. Spirit is still a pup at barely a year and a half. Buddy is thirteen and Tino is nine, so they don't want to play the way Spirit does. I'm concerned about handling him. For the most part Bob has been, but I tried once to let him in and out and he nearly knocked me over both times. It is so strange when I am at my computer and he comes over to me and he can rest his head on my desk! He wants attention and he loves to be fussed over. He also likes to play, which is going to be good for Bob.
Last night I was on Maxine with Buddy on his leash. Bob had both Tino and Spirit on their leashes and we took a walk. It was very pleasant and most people we made contact with liked Spirit. All of the dogs get fussed over because they are well behaved. The thing is, we are with them. I wouldn't want to be someone who tried to get into our house or truck if we weren't there.
Sad news yesterday - the little scrapbook store we found a few weeks ago is going out of business. Everything is 1/2 off. I bought some paper and a paper rack. I told her I felt I was taking advantage of her misfortune. But she didn't seem to feel that way at all. It's too bad she couldn't wait for a few months because the snowbirds are just now starting to come back and things would most likely pick up for her. But I think she is tired. She isn't really able to put the time into that she would like and that's a problem. Paying someone to run it for her eats all the profits. I wish I could have bought her out. Now how cool would it have been to have a scrap store - if even a tiny one like this one?
Both of our football teams have bys this week. There was a special on the Florida - Georgia rivalry though. I watched it and really enjoyed. They start with the 1942 game and worked up to 2000. That big game is next weekend on my birthday! YEAH!! That will be a good way to celebrate! That and go to Michaels if I can talk Bob into it. :) Would you believe most things in this area are planned around this game? The entire weekend is considered to be the world's largest cocktail party. Boats line the river outside the stadium and everyone parties. It starts on Wednesday and goes to Sunday. My sorority has an autumn meeting and always have to plan it for either the weekend before or after the game so they will have a good attendance. Otherwise, everyone is involved in game activities. We like football and the Gators are our team - but we aren't that nuts over it!! lol!!
Well for now I must go.......see all ya'll later.
Last night I was on Maxine with Buddy on his leash. Bob had both Tino and Spirit on their leashes and we took a walk. It was very pleasant and most people we made contact with liked Spirit. All of the dogs get fussed over because they are well behaved. The thing is, we are with them. I wouldn't want to be someone who tried to get into our house or truck if we weren't there.
Sad news yesterday - the little scrapbook store we found a few weeks ago is going out of business. Everything is 1/2 off. I bought some paper and a paper rack. I told her I felt I was taking advantage of her misfortune. But she didn't seem to feel that way at all. It's too bad she couldn't wait for a few months because the snowbirds are just now starting to come back and things would most likely pick up for her. But I think she is tired. She isn't really able to put the time into that she would like and that's a problem. Paying someone to run it for her eats all the profits. I wish I could have bought her out. Now how cool would it have been to have a scrap store - if even a tiny one like this one?
Both of our football teams have bys this week. There was a special on the Florida - Georgia rivalry though. I watched it and really enjoyed. They start with the 1942 game and worked up to 2000. That big game is next weekend on my birthday! YEAH!! That will be a good way to celebrate! That and go to Michaels if I can talk Bob into it. :) Would you believe most things in this area are planned around this game? The entire weekend is considered to be the world's largest cocktail party. Boats line the river outside the stadium and everyone parties. It starts on Wednesday and goes to Sunday. My sorority has an autumn meeting and always have to plan it for either the weekend before or after the game so they will have a good attendance. Otherwise, everyone is involved in game activities. We like football and the Gators are our team - but we aren't that nuts over it!! lol!!
Well for now I must go.......see all ya'll later.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Just another day in paradise
It is a lovely day again today. It is cooler without being cold. I'm loving it!! Yesterday I took Maxine for a ride then sat in the car port reading. There was such a nice breeze and I was sheltered from the sun (Have to be careful not to get sun poisoning again). Buddy and Tino were on the screened in front porch enjoying the air. All and all it was a wonderful day. I was able to get some shots of the raintrees in the area. I love those trees and wished we had one. Mom was actually thinking of getting one when she had her stroke. When I had the landscaping done, the lady didn't have any, so I got a lagustrim (sp?). It's nice, but not nearly as nice as the raintree. This time of year the tops turn golden and red. So, so lovely! :)
With all this beautiful weather it's difficult to believe Wilma is brewing in the Carribian and may affect us by this next weekend. With Bob working and me scheduled for dental work next week, there is no way we'll be able to evac very far if she decides to come our way. We'll have to be in a wait and see mode. This season still has about 6 weeks left to it. *sigh* If Wilma turns towards the gulf coast, I don't know how those people can deal with another direct hit.
Bob called from work this morning to tell me he forgot his lunch and asked me to make a big sign for next to his coffee pot. He's such a ham! :) Tomorrow is jean day for him, but he forgot to tell me until this AM, so I got his jeans into the wash ASAP. Yes, he only has one pair good enough for work. They aren't allowed to wear them except about once a month. The rest of the time he wears dress slacks. Even with their jeans, they must wear a nice shirt. He picked out some new ones on his own several weeks ago and I love them. They are silk and cotton and do up so very nicely. They weren't even that expensive at the outlet store.
I guess we're going to "baby sit" Spirit starting this week. I'm concerned about how I'll be able to handle him while Bob's at work. He's a very loving dog, but so huge! He has one blue eye and one brown one that has a small dot of blue in it. I understand this is fairly common for huskies.
Great news - for us anyway! IHop is coming to our county seat! We both love their breakfasts and are looking forward to having it in the area. Now if we could get a few other restaurants!! lol!! My personal choices would be Steak n Shake, TGIFridays, Ruby Tuesdays, Olive Garden, Bennigans, and Outback. We have a fantastic seafood one here already. And we have Chili's. We have Sonic and I love my cherry limeade. :) Bob likes Sonny's. Actually, so does Dave. We HAVE to go there every time he's here for a visit. We also go to St Augustine for a seafood meal when we see the Nights of Light. I love St Augustine and am thankful that we live so close.
They are showing some fantastic diamonds by Harry Winston that are going up for auction. There is a blue diamond that is sooooooooo beautiful. It has a beautiful price, too. I think the least expensive item is $500K! I'd be afraid to wear any of it!
Well, I'm off to do some more laundry.
Once in awhile........
With all this beautiful weather it's difficult to believe Wilma is brewing in the Carribian and may affect us by this next weekend. With Bob working and me scheduled for dental work next week, there is no way we'll be able to evac very far if she decides to come our way. We'll have to be in a wait and see mode. This season still has about 6 weeks left to it. *sigh* If Wilma turns towards the gulf coast, I don't know how those people can deal with another direct hit.
Bob called from work this morning to tell me he forgot his lunch and asked me to make a big sign for next to his coffee pot. He's such a ham! :) Tomorrow is jean day for him, but he forgot to tell me until this AM, so I got his jeans into the wash ASAP. Yes, he only has one pair good enough for work. They aren't allowed to wear them except about once a month. The rest of the time he wears dress slacks. Even with their jeans, they must wear a nice shirt. He picked out some new ones on his own several weeks ago and I love them. They are silk and cotton and do up so very nicely. They weren't even that expensive at the outlet store.
I guess we're going to "baby sit" Spirit starting this week. I'm concerned about how I'll be able to handle him while Bob's at work. He's a very loving dog, but so huge! He has one blue eye and one brown one that has a small dot of blue in it. I understand this is fairly common for huskies.
Great news - for us anyway! IHop is coming to our county seat! We both love their breakfasts and are looking forward to having it in the area. Now if we could get a few other restaurants!! lol!! My personal choices would be Steak n Shake, TGIFridays, Ruby Tuesdays, Olive Garden, Bennigans, and Outback. We have a fantastic seafood one here already. And we have Chili's. We have Sonic and I love my cherry limeade. :) Bob likes Sonny's. Actually, so does Dave. We HAVE to go there every time he's here for a visit. We also go to St Augustine for a seafood meal when we see the Nights of Light. I love St Augustine and am thankful that we live so close.
They are showing some fantastic diamonds by Harry Winston that are going up for auction. There is a blue diamond that is sooooooooo beautiful. It has a beautiful price, too. I think the least expensive item is $500K! I'd be afraid to wear any of it!
Well, I'm off to do some more laundry.
Once in awhile........
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Some more fun

You're a little gold key, and you unlock other
people's hearts. Your kindness and willingness
to be there for those you care about lets
people open up to you knowing they will be
accepted. People will rely on you, but be
careful not to give more than you have.
What sort of key are you and what do you unlock?
brought to you by Quizilla
Just for the Fun of It
You Should Get a JD (Juris Doctor) |
If there is at least one person in your life whom you consider a close friend, and whom you would not have met without the internet, post this sentence in your journal.
Stolen from my good friend whom I wouldn't have met if not for the internet - V.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
My latest LO
Although I did it several weeks ago, I didn't get to add it until today. This was a challenge at CX for the SADT. I really enjoyed doing it about my home area and journaling how I thought things would change in 10 years time.
This past week was really bad. I got sun poisoning and have been really sick. Even though I am doing much better at this time, I still tire very easily. It's all quite depressing because of all the rain we've had again. This time from the beader bands from Hurricane Rita.
Watching the coverage this morning, I am fearful for a friend of mine in Lake Charles, LA. She lost her husband this year and now she has to deal with this. Although I haven't seen her for about six years, I can't imagine her going through everything without her DH. Her brother and mother lost their homes in the NOLA area during Katrina. My prayers are with them all.
Another thing that concerns me is my friend's place in east Texas. It is right on the river and massive flooding is predicted. Then there is Katy who lives right on the ocean in west LA. There are other friends in the area of Rita, too. It can really get to me, if I let it. I keep thinking how fortunate Janna was during Katrina, but there is more flooding in NOLA. I pray her home isn't damaged further. Thankfully she has family they can stay with. Her baby was 5 days old when it hit. Her DH has had to leave the area with the college football team he helps coach. They have been seperated, but are ok.
The news channels have reported that those who aren't touched, feel PTS from it. I can understand that from having gotten through Frances and Jeanne last year. Sure, we had damage, but we didn't loose everything as some of our neighbors did.
For now, I need to close. It is really difficult to think about it all, but writing it down has helped a lot.
First Class assignment
We had to write a scene of the heroine being late and asking for directions. Here is my effort.
"Perspiration on her brow threatened to make its way into her blue eyes. She was late. The man on the phone had been very specific about the time for this meeting. To make matters worse she wasn’t sure if the address was north or south on Market Street. She glanced quickly at her watch to check the time. This had to be the tenth time in as many minutes, showing how nervous she was becoming. As she looked back at the intersection, she noticed a man leaning against the front of the bank.
“Excuse me, Sir,” she said as she approached him. She hoped her voice didn’t project the panic she felt.
“Do you mean me, Little Lady?” Hazel eyes were mocking her as he spoke, boldly looking her straight in the eye.
At five foot ten, she could hardly be described as little anything, and hearing this made her testier. “Why yes, yes I am. Could you possibly show me the direction of the Cozy Café?” She knew she sounded sarcastic which wasn’t at all like her.
He stood looking at her. Actually it was more like a stare. Finally he responded, “I’m headed there myself, if you care to walk along. I promise I’m not an axe murderer.” His grin revealed a dimple in his right check.
Thinking how handsome his smile made him, she didn’t hesitate. “Thank you………”
“Mike, just call me Mike.”
“Thank you, Mike, I’d like that.” She had been cautioned not to mention the meeting to anyone and she had to catch herself from explaining she was late.
“You have me at a disadvantage, Miss……. It is Miss, isn’t it?”
Was he flirting with her? She could feel the heat rising in her face, much to her chagrin. “Linda. And yes, it is Miss.” She knew she was really blushing now. She didn’t dare tell him her real name. Keeping introductions on a first name basis was prudent, but unnatural for such a straightforward person.
They fell into step with each other, keeping their thoughts to themselves. As soon as he guided her north, she could see the sign hanging on the building announcing the café and felt silly that she had been lost. Now she would have to think of a way to make sure he didn’t see who she was meeting.
“All this secrecy,” she thought. “I really don’t like this, but what if anyone figures out what is happening.” It wasn’t worth being polite and comfortable at the risk of putting lives in danger including her own."
"Perspiration on her brow threatened to make its way into her blue eyes. She was late. The man on the phone had been very specific about the time for this meeting. To make matters worse she wasn’t sure if the address was north or south on Market Street. She glanced quickly at her watch to check the time. This had to be the tenth time in as many minutes, showing how nervous she was becoming. As she looked back at the intersection, she noticed a man leaning against the front of the bank.
“Excuse me, Sir,” she said as she approached him. She hoped her voice didn’t project the panic she felt.
“Do you mean me, Little Lady?” Hazel eyes were mocking her as he spoke, boldly looking her straight in the eye.
At five foot ten, she could hardly be described as little anything, and hearing this made her testier. “Why yes, yes I am. Could you possibly show me the direction of the Cozy Café?” She knew she sounded sarcastic which wasn’t at all like her.
He stood looking at her. Actually it was more like a stare. Finally he responded, “I’m headed there myself, if you care to walk along. I promise I’m not an axe murderer.” His grin revealed a dimple in his right check.
Thinking how handsome his smile made him, she didn’t hesitate. “Thank you………”
“Mike, just call me Mike.”
“Thank you, Mike, I’d like that.” She had been cautioned not to mention the meeting to anyone and she had to catch herself from explaining she was late.
“You have me at a disadvantage, Miss……. It is Miss, isn’t it?”
Was he flirting with her? She could feel the heat rising in her face, much to her chagrin. “Linda. And yes, it is Miss.” She knew she was really blushing now. She didn’t dare tell him her real name. Keeping introductions on a first name basis was prudent, but unnatural for such a straightforward person.
They fell into step with each other, keeping their thoughts to themselves. As soon as he guided her north, she could see the sign hanging on the building announcing the café and felt silly that she had been lost. Now she would have to think of a way to make sure he didn’t see who she was meeting.
“All this secrecy,” she thought. “I really don’t like this, but what if anyone figures out what is happening.” It wasn’t worth being polite and comfortable at the risk of putting lives in danger including her own."
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Today while the blossoms still cling to the vine......
Ophelia is sitting off the coast churning away. Everyone is praying she'll turn and go north and east and not come ashore. In the meantime, high winds and rain have been going on for days. St Augustine Beach has some serious erosion going on and St Augustine itself has flooded streets. I feel like all our history is being taken from us. :( Perhaps I would feel better if I could get outside with Maxine. Oh, I know I am spoiled and highly blessed, but being housebound again has depressed me and is turning my mind to mush.
My writing class started this week. I haven't received the book and already feel lost. The teacher seems to expect us to do nothing but spend time on the class, which is pretty unrealistic. Some of the class work takes 5 hours to read and 4 1/2 on the cooresponding writing. At least that is what she estimates. Geesh!! If this was for credit I could understand, but it is simply for "fun". Perhaps I'll try my hand at the writing assignments and let the rest go and retake the class the next time it is offered. I'm not sure yet. It's difficult to answer questions when you don't have a book. B&N really messed up on this one.
As we move further from the actual event, I'm so tired of all the politicing going on about Katrina. So many callous people who aren't willing to lend a hand to the million or so that are now homeless and without work. Not everyone involved is on welfare for crying out loud!! On a list I belong to one guy said, they should have been prepared and not gripe because they weren't!! So selfish and self centered. I guess this is what is wrong with our country. Too many of us have no realization that it could have been them. At any time our fortunes can change through no fault of our own. How very, very sad.Before I start having my blood pressure rise over thoughtless politicans and callous others, I think I'll close. Knowing so many personally who have done more than their share to help brings joy when I consider it. That is what I need to do now. Look for the joy.
One heartbeat at a time..........
My writing class started this week. I haven't received the book and already feel lost. The teacher seems to expect us to do nothing but spend time on the class, which is pretty unrealistic. Some of the class work takes 5 hours to read and 4 1/2 on the cooresponding writing. At least that is what she estimates. Geesh!! If this was for credit I could understand, but it is simply for "fun". Perhaps I'll try my hand at the writing assignments and let the rest go and retake the class the next time it is offered. I'm not sure yet. It's difficult to answer questions when you don't have a book. B&N really messed up on this one.
As we move further from the actual event, I'm so tired of all the politicing going on about Katrina. So many callous people who aren't willing to lend a hand to the million or so that are now homeless and without work. Not everyone involved is on welfare for crying out loud!! On a list I belong to one guy said, they should have been prepared and not gripe because they weren't!! So selfish and self centered. I guess this is what is wrong with our country. Too many of us have no realization that it could have been them. At any time our fortunes can change through no fault of our own. How very, very sad.Before I start having my blood pressure rise over thoughtless politicans and callous others, I think I'll close. Knowing so many personally who have done more than their share to help brings joy when I consider it. That is what I need to do now. Look for the joy.
One heartbeat at a time..........
Friday, September 02, 2005
I couldn't believe what I was hearing
A Baptist minister on our local access station was preaching that this monster storm was God's punishing New Orleans for being a Catholic city and Biloxi for supporting evil gambling! No prayers were asked for no calls for help - only this. I was so sickened by it, I couldn't do anything for several hours, because I would cry.
I don't know where this guy gets off saying such a thing and calling himself "Christian" at the same time.
Scary, huh? He's part of the coalition to get prayer back into schools. I'm not so certain he should be the one deciding.
I don't know where this guy gets off saying such a thing and calling himself "Christian" at the same time.
Scary, huh? He's part of the coalition to get prayer back into schools. I'm not so certain he should be the one deciding.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Someday You'll Accompany Me
This was a challenge at a site to which I belong. It was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be!
100 Things About Ang
1. Spiritual
2. Catholic
3. Reader
4. Married
5. Childless
6. Last-born
7. Sister
8. Aunt
9. Great aunt
10. Step Mother to 3
11. Step Grandmother to 1
12. Cyber Grammy to 2
13. Good friend
14. YaYa
15. Environmentalist
16. Enjoy the Native American Culture and arts and crafts - including dance and jewelry
17. Property owner
18. Mobile home owner
19. Avalanche truck owner
20. Motorized wheel chair owner
21. Believer of angels
22. Cosmetologist
23. Computer user
24. Dog owner
25. Political
26. Baseball
27. Football lover
28. Writer
29. Genealogist
30. Sorority member
31. Happy
32. Loyal
33. Giving
34. Collector of angels
35. Collector of Coca Cola “stuff”
36. Collector of Cat's Meow
37. Collector of a few dolls (Barbie’s and World)
38. Music lover
39. Movie lover
40. Lover of Italian food
41. Lover of Greek food
42. Lover of Slovak food
43. Cookbook collector
44. Recipe collector
45. Scrapbooker
46. Stamper
47. Diet Coke drinker
48. Former Smoker
49. Antique lover
50. Tin lover
51. Basket lover
52. Thrift shop and collectible shop lover
53. Beach and warm weather lover
54. Former used paperback bookstore owner
55. Suffer from depression
56. Suffer from asthma
57. Suffer with arthritis
58. Chocoholic
59. Love my computer
60. Teacher of basic computer
61. Coach for journaling
62. Starting a women’s ministry for creativity
63. Lover of anything English – B & B’s, art deco items, bitter, pubs, etc.
64. Collector of certain Beanie Babies
65. Purple lover
66. Love to travel
67. Claustrophobic
68. Love anything “Girly” – boas, tiaras, polished toes, etc.
69. Love my jewelry
70. Iced tea lover
71. Dislike anything coffee
72. I Love Lucy!
73. I love the Golden Girls
74. I love West Wing
75. I love JAG
76. Amateur photographer
77. Journal keeper
78. Blogger
79. Love ABC Soaps – especially General Hospital
80. Blue eyed
81. Dark Blonde hair (This changes often)
82. Love Victoriana
83. Love to
84. Love Mardi Gras
85. Love Kaluha
86. Love to work with ribbon
87. Love to work with charms
88. Like long skirts and dresses
89. I am a warm/fall coloring
90. Wear “Spellbound” as my signature perfume
91. St Augustine is my favorite place in the US
92. Bath is my favorite place in England
93. London feels like home to me
94. I can’t speak for at least 15 minutes after I visit The Wall in DC
95. I really don’t like the cold – especially ice and snow
96. I drink 8 glasses of water every day
97. I loved to dance before I was injured
98. I’m on a Native American journey
99. I’m an junkie
100. Most of all: I am wife, best friend, lover, partner to Bob
Who can tell..........only time.........
100 Things About Ang
1. Spiritual
2. Catholic
3. Reader
4. Married
5. Childless
6. Last-born
7. Sister
8. Aunt
9. Great aunt
10. Step Mother to 3
11. Step Grandmother to 1
12. Cyber Grammy to 2
13. Good friend
14. YaYa
15. Environmentalist
16. Enjoy the Native American Culture and arts and crafts - including dance and jewelry
17. Property owner
18. Mobile home owner
19. Avalanche truck owner
20. Motorized wheel chair owner
21. Believer of angels
22. Cosmetologist
23. Computer user
24. Dog owner
25. Political
26. Baseball
27. Football lover
28. Writer
29. Genealogist
30. Sorority member
31. Happy
32. Loyal
33. Giving
34. Collector of angels
35. Collector of Coca Cola “stuff”
36. Collector of Cat's Meow
37. Collector of a few dolls (Barbie’s and World)
38. Music lover
39. Movie lover
40. Lover of Italian food
41. Lover of Greek food
42. Lover of Slovak food
43. Cookbook collector
44. Recipe collector
45. Scrapbooker
46. Stamper
47. Diet Coke drinker
48. Former Smoker
49. Antique lover
50. Tin lover
51. Basket lover
52. Thrift shop and collectible shop lover
53. Beach and warm weather lover
54. Former used paperback bookstore owner
55. Suffer from depression
56. Suffer from asthma
57. Suffer with arthritis
58. Chocoholic
59. Love my computer
60. Teacher of basic computer
61. Coach for journaling
62. Starting a women’s ministry for creativity
63. Lover of anything English – B & B’s, art deco items, bitter, pubs, etc.
64. Collector of certain Beanie Babies
65. Purple lover
66. Love to travel
67. Claustrophobic
68. Love anything “Girly” – boas, tiaras, polished toes, etc.
69. Love my jewelry
70. Iced tea lover
71. Dislike anything coffee
72. I Love Lucy!
73. I love the Golden Girls
74. I love West Wing
75. I love JAG
76. Amateur photographer
77. Journal keeper
78. Blogger
79. Love ABC Soaps – especially General Hospital
80. Blue eyed
81. Dark Blonde hair (This changes often)
82. Love Victoriana
83. Love to
84. Love Mardi Gras
85. Love Kaluha
86. Love to work with ribbon
87. Love to work with charms
88. Like long skirts and dresses
89. I am a warm/fall coloring
90. Wear “Spellbound” as my signature perfume
91. St Augustine is my favorite place in the US
92. Bath is my favorite place in England
93. London feels like home to me
94. I can’t speak for at least 15 minutes after I visit The Wall in DC
95. I really don’t like the cold – especially ice and snow
96. I drink 8 glasses of water every day
97. I loved to dance before I was injured
98. I’m on a Native American journey
99. I’m an junkie
100. Most of all: I am wife, best friend, lover, partner to Bob
Who can tell..........only time.........
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Workin' all day just to earn a dime........
Here are the latest layouts from my scrapbooking class.

This one is to show a part of my daily routine. I ride Maxine everyday and always try to go someplace different each day.

This one is to show something that is a part of me. I chose words because I love to read and write so much.
This class has been a lot of fun, too. I've been blessed to have two classes that have meant a lot to me. Actually, with the journaling class, about six of us are still communicating even though the class was completed several weeks ago. One of the ladies has gotten a new help dog. It is fun to read of their adventures and see their pictures. Another one is dealing with her father in a nursing home and her hubby with Parkinson's. Needless to say, both are experiencing new travels.
With the scrapbooking class, I have completed all the assignments and the class isn't over until September 5th. I am still hanging around because I am learning from everyone.
I have several other projects I want to complete. I'm doing a circle journal on faith and it needs to be mailed the first of September. I have some of the pages done and basically a start on everything. I need to put the pages together and get them into the album. I'm also doing some altered cd's and more of my recipe pages. And I can't forget my goal challenge. Next month I have a new challenge page along with the goal one. I'll also have more faith CJ pages to do.
For this year I had wanted to complete 24 LO's - that would be two a month. Needless to say, I'm going to get much more done. :)
And the beat goes on.........
This one is to show a part of my daily routine. I ride Maxine everyday and always try to go someplace different each day.
This one is to show something that is a part of me. I chose words because I love to read and write so much.
This class has been a lot of fun, too. I've been blessed to have two classes that have meant a lot to me. Actually, with the journaling class, about six of us are still communicating even though the class was completed several weeks ago. One of the ladies has gotten a new help dog. It is fun to read of their adventures and see their pictures. Another one is dealing with her father in a nursing home and her hubby with Parkinson's. Needless to say, both are experiencing new travels.
With the scrapbooking class, I have completed all the assignments and the class isn't over until September 5th. I am still hanging around because I am learning from everyone.
I have several other projects I want to complete. I'm doing a circle journal on faith and it needs to be mailed the first of September. I have some of the pages done and basically a start on everything. I need to put the pages together and get them into the album. I'm also doing some altered cd's and more of my recipe pages. And I can't forget my goal challenge. Next month I have a new challenge page along with the goal one. I'll also have more faith CJ pages to do.
For this year I had wanted to complete 24 LO's - that would be two a month. Needless to say, I'm going to get much more done. :)
And the beat goes on.........
Monday, August 15, 2005
Gypsy Lady........
I have been horribly neglectful of this blog over the past few weeks. I have been busy winding down with my travel journal class and starting my scrapbooking class. Plus I've been having some dental problems and went into a total melt down after calling every dentist in my county to find every single one of them want money up front will not consider payments. I guess people without insurance or who are on limited incomes aren't suppose to have their teeth fixed, just pulled. I'm going tomorrow for a check up and really hate to hear the bad news. I know I've got three that need work, so who knows how many more will. *Sigh* I really feel it has been caused by the Advair I take. Even though I brush each time I use it besides after I eat, I still have these problems in my front teeth.
Enough of that or I'll make myself depressed once more!
On to my scrapbooking class. I am loving it and have several more pages to post here.
The first one was to have three pictures. These pets are my "kids".
Enough of that or I'll make myself depressed once more!
On to my scrapbooking class. I am loving it and have several more pages to post here.
The first one was to have three pictures. These pets are my "kids".
This page had to be a pocket page following her directions for making the pocket. Since our anniversary was last week and we got so many wonderful cards, I decided to use the pocket to hold them.
Yesterday I got two cd's covered to start making anniversary cards for both my brother and SIL and my niece and her hubby. Theirs are this week.
Because you loved me ...............
Saturday, July 30, 2005
On eagle's wings

Today I sent out a letter noting final details for our Faith Circle Journal. Dewy has been such a marvelous help and has given me such encouragement. I feel so uplifted about the entire project. I have been trying to decide what to do with my own. I think it will be about prayer, peace, and praise. But I won't be sure until I actually start working on it.
Bob and I are going to go shopping today. I'm really excited because I want to get him some scrapping supplies. He would like his own paper keeper and I'm hoping we'll find him a really nice one. Our anniversary is August 12th and I want to give it to him for that. He's such a sweetie and so supportive of all I do. I ordered him a bunch of military stuff for his Navy album yesterday. I know that will surprise him. He has promised to do a LO with me this weekend.
For now, I need to get moving to start this day other than on the computer. :)
........we will fly above........
Love and Peace
Friday, July 29, 2005
My Friday Five
1. What was your first job?
My first job was at a local department store as a cashier. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot about retailing
2. How much did you make?
I started at $1.25/hr and was at $1.40 when I left. Remember this was in 1965/66.
3. Describe your least favorite co-worker of all time.
It had to be one supervisor (not mine thank goodness) who believed women had no place in law enforcement and did his very best to get them all fired. He found fault if you stayed calm and he found fault if he thought you were excited. It was impossible to do what he considered a good job no matter how hard you worked. He wouldn't give anyone - man or woman - a positive job rating because he felt no one ever did their best because no one is perfect! Even the men disliked his trying to lead with intimidation. I always dreaded when he filled in for my own supervisor.
4. What is your dream job?
My dream job would be to lead four creative retreats each year. I could also write, paint, draw, scrap, etc. to my heart's content during this time. Two would have to be near the ocean and two in the mountains.
5. What do you currently do and do you like it?
I coach journaling and love it.
My first job was at a local department store as a cashier. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot about retailing
2. How much did you make?
I started at $1.25/hr and was at $1.40 when I left. Remember this was in 1965/66.
3. Describe your least favorite co-worker of all time.
It had to be one supervisor (not mine thank goodness) who believed women had no place in law enforcement and did his very best to get them all fired. He found fault if you stayed calm and he found fault if he thought you were excited. It was impossible to do what he considered a good job no matter how hard you worked. He wouldn't give anyone - man or woman - a positive job rating because he felt no one ever did their best because no one is perfect! Even the men disliked his trying to lead with intimidation. I always dreaded when he filled in for my own supervisor.
4. What is your dream job?
My dream job would be to lead four creative retreats each year. I could also write, paint, draw, scrap, etc. to my heart's content during this time. Two would have to be near the ocean and two in the mountains.
5. What do you currently do and do you like it?
I coach journaling and love it.
Friday is all right .....
These one hundred words were written for a challenge on Care2 for describing Friday.
This Friday is good. My pain is low and Cruzer will be home the for entire weekend. Tonight promises to bring some couple time for us. Cruzer will be bringing home some sort of treat for us for dinner. Something scrumptious like pizza or Chinese or perhaps even Mexican will grace our table. Or it could be as simple as a hamburger. What ever it is, we’ll have it by candle light with soft music. Then it will be show time and we’ll watch a favorite movie while we relax and wind down from the past week. Ahhhhhhhhh the anticipation!
All right with me......
This Friday is good. My pain is low and Cruzer will be home the for entire weekend. Tonight promises to bring some couple time for us. Cruzer will be bringing home some sort of treat for us for dinner. Something scrumptious like pizza or Chinese or perhaps even Mexican will grace our table. Or it could be as simple as a hamburger. What ever it is, we’ll have it by candle light with soft music. Then it will be show time and we’ll watch a favorite movie while we relax and wind down from the past week. Ahhhhhhhhh the anticipation!
All right with me......
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Did you ever.........
Did you ever wonder why? I have all kinds of things that make me wonder.
*I wonder why it is that everytime I'm in the middle of something important and intense there is a power surge and all (or most) is lost.
*I wonder why some people only read part of anything and then their answers sound silly because they have already been answered.
*I wonder why the dogs never bark or jump on me until I am on the phone. I wonder why the cable always goes out in one of the few tv shows I watch.
*I wonder what it is that makes my browser not like certain web sites.
*I wonder why Bob can't put things back where they live.
*I wonder why children have to be sick.
*I wonder why some people have to be mean if they don't agree with someone else. I wonder why they can't leave things alone and move on to something they do like rather than stir up hard feelings.
*I wonder why some people find such peace within their faith and others don't.
*I wonder why my mama kept a will for 40 years and put her own someplace where is still hasn't been found for 8 years.
*I wonder why siblings have to argue and can't have good relationships like I have with my brother.
*Why do some people feel it necessary to lie about almost everything in their lives?
*Why do dogs like chew toys?
These are only some of the things I wonder about. I could do a whole other journal simply on this subject.
I did another LO yesterday. I'm not happy with it, but considering what material I had to work with, I did the very best I could.

This time I had to use cardstock only, buttons, rub-ons, no-alphabet stickers,tags, and twill ribbon. With limited supplies, I didn't do so good, but did the best I could. All I can think I could have done differently was to perhaps add more stickers or a breaker bar between the top and the bottom of the page. I don't know. Sometimes I don't think I have a very good eye.
Well, I'm off..........
*I wonder why it is that everytime I'm in the middle of something important and intense there is a power surge and all (or most) is lost.
*I wonder why some people only read part of anything and then their answers sound silly because they have already been answered.
*I wonder why the dogs never bark or jump on me until I am on the phone. I wonder why the cable always goes out in one of the few tv shows I watch.
*I wonder what it is that makes my browser not like certain web sites.
*I wonder why Bob can't put things back where they live.
*I wonder why children have to be sick.
*I wonder why some people have to be mean if they don't agree with someone else. I wonder why they can't leave things alone and move on to something they do like rather than stir up hard feelings.
*I wonder why some people find such peace within their faith and others don't.
*I wonder why my mama kept a will for 40 years and put her own someplace where is still hasn't been found for 8 years.
*I wonder why siblings have to argue and can't have good relationships like I have with my brother.
*Why do some people feel it necessary to lie about almost everything in their lives?
*Why do dogs like chew toys?
These are only some of the things I wonder about. I could do a whole other journal simply on this subject.
I did another LO yesterday. I'm not happy with it, but considering what material I had to work with, I did the very best I could.

This time I had to use cardstock only, buttons, rub-ons, no-alphabet stickers,tags, and twill ribbon. With limited supplies, I didn't do so good, but did the best I could. All I can think I could have done differently was to perhaps add more stickers or a breaker bar between the top and the bottom of the page. I don't know. Sometimes I don't think I have a very good eye.
Well, I'm off..........
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Dust in the wind.......
Your Blogging Type is Confident and Insightful |
Both creative and logical, you come up with amazing ideas and insights. A total perfectionist, you find yourself revising and rewriting posts a lot of the time. You blog for yourself - and you don't care how popular (or unpopular) your blog is! |
These are so much fun!
Ohh Baby, Baby.....
Ain't too proud to beg, oh baby baby
Angela Diane Dabelko Cruze's Aliases |
Your movie star name: Salsa Paul |
Your fashion designer name is Angela London |
Your socialite name is Ennie Vegas |
Your fly girl / guy name is A Dab |
Your detective name is Puppy Howland |
Your barfly name is Crackers Margarita |
Your soap opera name is Diane Reeves |
Your rock star name is Kisses Jet |
Your star wars name is Angbud Dabbob |
Your punk rock band name is The Happy Tripod |
Ain't too proud to beg, oh baby baby
Angela Diane Dabelko Cruze's Aliases |
Your movie star name: Salsa Paul |
Your fashion designer name is Angela London |
Your socialite name is Ennie Vegas |
Your fly girl / guy name is A Dab |
Your detective name is Puppy Howland |
Your barfly name is Crackers Margarita |
Your soap opera name is Diane Reeves |
Your rock star name is Kisses Jet |
Your star wars name is Angbud Dabbob |
Your punk rock band name is The Happy Tripod |
The Amazing Meganame Generator
Young and sweet, only 17
Friday Five:
Who was your first best friend?
Margie and I am still in touch with her via email. We were about 4 years old when we became best buds. We lost touch for many years but located each other a few years ago. We aren't as close, but are still friends.
Who have been some of the most influential people in your life?
My mama was the most.
My maternal grandmother.
One of my paternal aunts.
A youth minister when I was in high school who taught me acceptance of those who are different. He always said as humans we have more in common than we have different.
A college professor who taught me that often times what seems "bad" is really an illness, but that there can also be those who are so indifferent that nothing matters to them, not even themselves.
Do you usually have one best friend or a lot of close friends?
I usually have both - one best friend and a lot of other friends, too, though not as close.
Do you believe people of the opposite sex can be best friends and not lovers?
Yes I do. I had one like that. It was a joke that when I got married, my spouse had to accept him along with me.
Have you ever fallen in love with a friend?
Yes and I have been married to him for five years next month.
Who was your first best friend?
Margie and I am still in touch with her via email. We were about 4 years old when we became best buds. We lost touch for many years but located each other a few years ago. We aren't as close, but are still friends.
Who have been some of the most influential people in your life?
My mama was the most.
My maternal grandmother.
One of my paternal aunts.
A youth minister when I was in high school who taught me acceptance of those who are different. He always said as humans we have more in common than we have different.
A college professor who taught me that often times what seems "bad" is really an illness, but that there can also be those who are so indifferent that nothing matters to them, not even themselves.
Do you usually have one best friend or a lot of close friends?
I usually have both - one best friend and a lot of other friends, too, though not as close.
Do you believe people of the opposite sex can be best friends and not lovers?
Yes I do. I had one like that. It was a joke that when I got married, my spouse had to accept him along with me.
Have you ever fallen in love with a friend?
Yes and I have been married to him for five years next month.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Just another day in paradise
It amazes me how long I'm going between posts. Perhaps it is because of my class. I'm journaling on paper and my blog suffers a little. I promise today to try to get back to my former routine. Now that's a goal!! I'm also concerned about my plans to turn my journaling class I teach towards being faith based. I feel that for healing to being to take place, faith must be present. I really need to pray some more for this. Strong feelings doesn't mean it is what should be done. It is exciting to see God's plans unfold in our lives.
Although Dennis didn't hit directly in our area, we had some winds and lots of rain from him. And the rain continues from the whirls in the Atlantic. Everyone is amazed that so many named storms have occurred and we are only in July. Makes me a tad nervous as to what's going to happen between August and September - usually the two most active months. But the rain is getting me down. The roads can't dry before the next rain. That means I can't have Maxine out. Oh, I could, but I refuse to take unnecessary risks with her. Yesterday we were all concerned the shuttle wouldn't go because of the weather, and it was heartbreaking that is was scrubbed because of the sensor problem. One good thing, it has been rescheduled for Saturday and that means Cruzer will get to see it, too.
Everyone I know has been excited about the new Harry Potter book coming out. I've never even read the first one! I guess I should to be able to understand what all the fuss is. Maybe someone will chose it for a future read in ROTH. I think I'll ask them to see what those who have read the series think about it. I do know there has been a lot of controversy about it from some religious groups and I don't want to step on anyone's toes. That isn't why I haven't read them. I'm not too wild about science fiction. My SIL tells me I should try the first one as she thinks I'll enjoy it.
I've been trying to get some of my scrapping supplies better organized. I can't believe how many I have accumulated. I think it is easy to get overwhelmed! I've been so blessed in having had a secret sister who has quit paper scrapping altogether and does everything digitally. Because of that, she sent me some stamps, a heating tool, lots of embossing powder and two books about stamping for scrapbooking. I can't get over her generosity! And ribbon!! I am so addicted to ribbon. Right now I'm going into my second ribbon swap. Now how cool is that? I love getting the different colors and feeling the textures. Does this mean I'm sensual? lol! I think not.
My brother's MIL is not doing well. She'll be 92 in January. Dave told us last night that they are wanting to do surgery - a colostomy. It is amazing that they feel she'll make it through. IT is a lot different with Shirley than with our mama. Our mama couldn't swallow too well on her own, was weakened because of the stroke and the infection. We knew she didn't want on a feeding tube unless it would be a temporary thing. It wouldn't have been that way, and quite frankly, she most likely wouldn't have survived the surgery. We knew the end was near and opted not to put her through that. I kept remembering her telling me how she felt when they removed her breast without telling her or having anyone to be there with her. I couldn't decide for her to have more of her body removed. And I had that option as her medical surrogate. Honestly, if Dave would have insisted she have the surgery, I would have oked it. I'm glad he finally realized it was the end and to let her go peacefully the way God intended for us. She and Shirley were only a few days apart in age and became friends when Dave and Elaine married. I like Shirley a lot. We took a genealogy class together. I continue to pray for her and have added God's will be done and for her family have the strength to accept it. When it comes, it will affect me, too. She's a pretty special lady and has been wonderful to my brother all these years and to me, too.
Right now the night time Emmies are being announced. West Wing is about the only one I watch. They even have a category for Reality TV and that is something I don't usually watch. Last night started a new short series called Brat Camp. We are watching that one. It is quite moving watching the troubled teens come to take responsibility and face their individual issues. But usually when it hits 8PM, we either watch Food Net or turn on a movie - usually the latter.
It's been great getting back to adding to my blog. Until next time ------
give me a Cheeseburger in Paradise, cheese and mustard'd be nice.........
Although Dennis didn't hit directly in our area, we had some winds and lots of rain from him. And the rain continues from the whirls in the Atlantic. Everyone is amazed that so many named storms have occurred and we are only in July. Makes me a tad nervous as to what's going to happen between August and September - usually the two most active months. But the rain is getting me down. The roads can't dry before the next rain. That means I can't have Maxine out. Oh, I could, but I refuse to take unnecessary risks with her. Yesterday we were all concerned the shuttle wouldn't go because of the weather, and it was heartbreaking that is was scrubbed because of the sensor problem. One good thing, it has been rescheduled for Saturday and that means Cruzer will get to see it, too.
Everyone I know has been excited about the new Harry Potter book coming out. I've never even read the first one! I guess I should to be able to understand what all the fuss is. Maybe someone will chose it for a future read in ROTH. I think I'll ask them to see what those who have read the series think about it. I do know there has been a lot of controversy about it from some religious groups and I don't want to step on anyone's toes. That isn't why I haven't read them. I'm not too wild about science fiction. My SIL tells me I should try the first one as she thinks I'll enjoy it.
I've been trying to get some of my scrapping supplies better organized. I can't believe how many I have accumulated. I think it is easy to get overwhelmed! I've been so blessed in having had a secret sister who has quit paper scrapping altogether and does everything digitally. Because of that, she sent me some stamps, a heating tool, lots of embossing powder and two books about stamping for scrapbooking. I can't get over her generosity! And ribbon!! I am so addicted to ribbon. Right now I'm going into my second ribbon swap. Now how cool is that? I love getting the different colors and feeling the textures. Does this mean I'm sensual? lol! I think not.
My brother's MIL is not doing well. She'll be 92 in January. Dave told us last night that they are wanting to do surgery - a colostomy. It is amazing that they feel she'll make it through. IT is a lot different with Shirley than with our mama. Our mama couldn't swallow too well on her own, was weakened because of the stroke and the infection. We knew she didn't want on a feeding tube unless it would be a temporary thing. It wouldn't have been that way, and quite frankly, she most likely wouldn't have survived the surgery. We knew the end was near and opted not to put her through that. I kept remembering her telling me how she felt when they removed her breast without telling her or having anyone to be there with her. I couldn't decide for her to have more of her body removed. And I had that option as her medical surrogate. Honestly, if Dave would have insisted she have the surgery, I would have oked it. I'm glad he finally realized it was the end and to let her go peacefully the way God intended for us. She and Shirley were only a few days apart in age and became friends when Dave and Elaine married. I like Shirley a lot. We took a genealogy class together. I continue to pray for her and have added God's will be done and for her family have the strength to accept it. When it comes, it will affect me, too. She's a pretty special lady and has been wonderful to my brother all these years and to me, too.
Right now the night time Emmies are being announced. West Wing is about the only one I watch. They even have a category for Reality TV and that is something I don't usually watch. Last night started a new short series called Brat Camp. We are watching that one. It is quite moving watching the troubled teens come to take responsibility and face their individual issues. But usually when it hits 8PM, we either watch Food Net or turn on a movie - usually the latter.
It's been great getting back to adding to my blog. Until next time ------
give me a Cheeseburger in Paradise, cheese and mustard'd be nice.........
Monday, July 11, 2005
In foggy London town........

I am still reeling from the carnage I saw last week. England's 9-11 is 7-7.The bus that exploded was in Russell Square, right close to where we stayed when we were in London. I kept thinking, we could have very well been on that bus! A close friend of my was scheduled to go into her office Friday but said the door to the building needed secured, so she wasn't able to do so. The entire thing is so tragic! If this in fact was a religious war as the terrorists say it is, they would blow up buildings, etc. when people would be hurt, not during rush hour when so many innocents are killed and injured. But that they place such little value on human life says it all - they are selfish cowards with no more religion than a turd. It takes much less to fight than to identify problems and work for solutions. They have proven they don't even respect Muslim life! I'm sorry, I can't write anymore about this, I just can't!
As usual, when tragedy befalls, I tend to get creative. I scrapped two more pages for my cookbook and made a new category page. My scans are horrible, but I enjoyed the work to relieve my mind from the events. These are the pictures at the top of this post.
It's where I want to be..........
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
I'm so lucky to be.......
**Some of this post is a repeat of my last post, but I wanted to get everything in order.**
This week has been simply phenomenal! It all started last Wednesday. My wonderful nephew testified in front of the total House International Relations Committee on Global Water and Sanitation (HR1979). It was web-cast live and I watched the entire thing. His 6 minute brief was so great! He covered all important issues and why they should concern the US. I was so proud of him. My mama would have been, too. Geoff's work is her legacy of love for the environment and caring for it.
Thursday we started to change the computer room with the spare bedroom. We are basically into the computer room, but there is still tons of de-cluttering to accomplish. But we are finding things we thought were lost forever!! lol !!It has been a real experience, I can tell you with all honesty.
During this time, I have been working with one of my new friends in getting what is called a Circle Journal going. But this one is unique as it will be faith based. I'm so looking forward to doing it.
My journaling class got better and better this week, too. I'm really getting to know the members and we are sharing all kinds of travel together. It doesn't matter if it is inner or physical. Some of us have physical issues that are taking us on new travels and others are actually taking trips. One of the women writes of her travels in poems. I'm so enjoying this class, I think, better than any other I've taken.
Friday I received a wonderful altered book from my friend Vicki. It is quite lovely. It is done in shades of purple (my favorite) and is adorned with hearts, flowers, and other embellishments. Ribbons are tied onto the side. She used a bracelet with a purple flip flop charm to be used as a bookmark! I really, really love it! On the inside page, she added a postcard from where she lives as she know I collect postcards. I feel so honored that she thought enough of me to gift me with this book.
Sunday I had an full blown asthma attack. Thank goodness for emergency inhalers or I would have ended up in the hospital. As it was, I was rather worn down by it all. When I went to get up, I fell. My entire left side ached like you wouldn't believe!! During the night, the meds wore off and I was so achy breaky I couldn't sleep, so off to the computer I went. I had sprained my left hand so I really didn't get to do much, but I did read a lot.
Monday was a lovely day for the most part. I had Maxine out and Bob and I sat out in the morning having our morning libations - he had coffee and I had my iced water. The dogs were out, too, and we all enjoyed the nice weather. By late afternoon it started to storm. Instead of having our food on the grill, we did them on the George Foreman indoors. It still tasted good and was a real treat.
Yesterday one of the scrapbook boards I go to was having a special day to celebrate Independence Day. Every 1/2 hour a name was drawn for a prize. Low and behold, I won one of the prizes. It is a cutting system with bunches of templates - which I get to choose. The entire prize is valued at $500.00!! The amazing thing is, I had just posted asking for opinions on which was the best as I was considering buying one. Now I can have almost all of it!! And to top it off, I rarely win anything!! I'm still stunned about it all, and ever so grateful to the company who has the community for giving such a wonderful prize. One other person won this same gift and the only bigger prize was the finale prize!
Needless to say this week has been mixed blessings and one I'm not likely to forget anytime soon.
And the beat goes on....
This week has been simply phenomenal! It all started last Wednesday. My wonderful nephew testified in front of the total House International Relations Committee on Global Water and Sanitation (HR1979). It was web-cast live and I watched the entire thing. His 6 minute brief was so great! He covered all important issues and why they should concern the US. I was so proud of him. My mama would have been, too. Geoff's work is her legacy of love for the environment and caring for it.
Thursday we started to change the computer room with the spare bedroom. We are basically into the computer room, but there is still tons of de-cluttering to accomplish. But we are finding things we thought were lost forever!! lol !!It has been a real experience, I can tell you with all honesty.
During this time, I have been working with one of my new friends in getting what is called a Circle Journal going. But this one is unique as it will be faith based. I'm so looking forward to doing it.
My journaling class got better and better this week, too. I'm really getting to know the members and we are sharing all kinds of travel together. It doesn't matter if it is inner or physical. Some of us have physical issues that are taking us on new travels and others are actually taking trips. One of the women writes of her travels in poems. I'm so enjoying this class, I think, better than any other I've taken.
Friday I received a wonderful altered book from my friend Vicki. It is quite lovely. It is done in shades of purple (my favorite) and is adorned with hearts, flowers, and other embellishments. Ribbons are tied onto the side. She used a bracelet with a purple flip flop charm to be used as a bookmark! I really, really love it! On the inside page, she added a postcard from where she lives as she know I collect postcards. I feel so honored that she thought enough of me to gift me with this book.
Sunday I had an full blown asthma attack. Thank goodness for emergency inhalers or I would have ended up in the hospital. As it was, I was rather worn down by it all. When I went to get up, I fell. My entire left side ached like you wouldn't believe!! During the night, the meds wore off and I was so achy breaky I couldn't sleep, so off to the computer I went. I had sprained my left hand so I really didn't get to do much, but I did read a lot.
Monday was a lovely day for the most part. I had Maxine out and Bob and I sat out in the morning having our morning libations - he had coffee and I had my iced water. The dogs were out, too, and we all enjoyed the nice weather. By late afternoon it started to storm. Instead of having our food on the grill, we did them on the George Foreman indoors. It still tasted good and was a real treat.
Yesterday one of the scrapbook boards I go to was having a special day to celebrate Independence Day. Every 1/2 hour a name was drawn for a prize. Low and behold, I won one of the prizes. It is a cutting system with bunches of templates - which I get to choose. The entire prize is valued at $500.00!! The amazing thing is, I had just posted asking for opinions on which was the best as I was considering buying one. Now I can have almost all of it!! And to top it off, I rarely win anything!! I'm still stunned about it all, and ever so grateful to the company who has the community for giving such a wonderful prize. One other person won this same gift and the only bigger prize was the finale prize!
Needless to say this week has been mixed blessings and one I'm not likely to forget anytime soon.
And the beat goes on....
Monday, July 04, 2005
Through all the tears, you made me smile
Yesterday was not a good day for me. I had a full blown asthma attack during the day. Thank goodness for recue inhalers! What a blessing they are. Then last evening, I fell! Talk about being sore. I couldn't sleep because I was so sore. I had taken tylenol without much success. Or perhaps it there was and I would have felt worse without it. Anyway, I landed on my left side and rolled. I sprained my left hand and bruised my hip, knee, and foot. Fortunately nothing was broken and I didn't hit my head. But then again, if I had hit my head, perhaps it would have been an improvement! lol !! Anyway, I am very thankful I wasn't hurt any worse. My angel was looking out for me for sure.
This past week I have spent more time journaling in my regular journal and in my travel journal for my class. Elizabeth and I have also talked a lot about doing a Faith Circle Journal. We have invited several other members of CX to join us. Right now there are four of us. Hopefully after the holiday some more will respond. But if it remains at four, all the better. We'll really get to know one another better. I have faith and know it will be as it is suppose to be.
My journaling class is coming right along. The group is a wonderful mix of personalities and we all seem to fit in just fine. I must admit to being a sort of email wall flower. I tend to read more than post. I don't know why that is. Usually when something involves on-line I am not shy. Now real time - that's another story completely! I'm very quiet and listen and observe. But look out once I get to know someone and feel comfortable - I never shut up!!
As for scrap pages, I haven't done that much this past week. We are trying to get the computer room and guest room switched around. Everything must be gone through and although not difficult, it is time consuming. How on earth do we ever get so bogged down with so much paper? Geesh!!
Geoff testified to the House Internation Relations Committee this week. It was broadcast via the web. I watched and was so very, very proud of him. All I can think is how much my mother would have been proud, too. She was the one who instilled the love of God's creations in us.
For now my hand is getting sore, so I'm going to close.
Because you loved me.
This past week I have spent more time journaling in my regular journal and in my travel journal for my class. Elizabeth and I have also talked a lot about doing a Faith Circle Journal. We have invited several other members of CX to join us. Right now there are four of us. Hopefully after the holiday some more will respond. But if it remains at four, all the better. We'll really get to know one another better. I have faith and know it will be as it is suppose to be.
My journaling class is coming right along. The group is a wonderful mix of personalities and we all seem to fit in just fine. I must admit to being a sort of email wall flower. I tend to read more than post. I don't know why that is. Usually when something involves on-line I am not shy. Now real time - that's another story completely! I'm very quiet and listen and observe. But look out once I get to know someone and feel comfortable - I never shut up!!
As for scrap pages, I haven't done that much this past week. We are trying to get the computer room and guest room switched around. Everything must be gone through and although not difficult, it is time consuming. How on earth do we ever get so bogged down with so much paper? Geesh!!
Geoff testified to the House Internation Relations Committee this week. It was broadcast via the web. I watched and was so very, very proud of him. All I can think is how much my mother would have been proud, too. She was the one who instilled the love of God's creations in us.
For now my hand is getting sore, so I'm going to close.
Because you loved me.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Monday, Monday
Today is so lovely. The first thing this morning I took Maxine and we went for a long ride around the neighborhood. It amazes me that my parents moved here in 1974 and I started visiting them at least twice a year. Then I moved here full time in March of 1991. In July of 1992 I moved to this home. Yet, each time I go into the neighborhood I discover something new that I never noticed before. Everything seems to be ever changing and evovling. I'm a little sadden to think the new condo community that is being built will double our population practically over night. We'll be going from about 250 residents to over 500!! I know that might sound small, but to us it's huge.
My journaling class only gets better and better. I am going deep within and pulling out stuff long forgotten. That can be very refreshing as most of it is good stuff. Perhaps if I do this long enough, the good will replace the bad experiences I've had along my path.
I finished The Secret Lives of Bees. I think the book must have been put in my screen at this time as it speaks to my class. The journey that Lily makes in the book is one most of us never have to make. But I strongly believe each of us has to find the inner strength to continue on our way (travels).
Cruzer was very happy with his Father's Day gifts. He heard from both of his sons, but nothing from his daughter. She still hasn't bothered telling him her new address, phone number, etc. What angers me about it all is I know it hurts him and I have no control. His grandson won't even know him and it isn't right. I know, I know. This is something that needs to be accepted and move forward. But each time I see him aching because of how she treats him - even if it is non-contact, I can't seem to let it go. I tried getting to know her and encouraged their contact when we were first married. But the first birthday she didn't acknowledge him hurt him so bad. Then she started taking "my mother this" and "my mother that" and didn't say she even had a father in her posts to our group. Finally when she moved two years ago and didn't tell him her info, I drew my own line. I'll never reject her if she comes back into our lives, but nor will I ever totally trust her. She had a good thing and never even realized it. The boys are totally different. The are in contact with Cruzer all the time. They even talk to him via webcams. They are a delight. Especially the oldest boy is. We have so much in common and are able to talk about so many things in our emails, etc. The other son is the youngest of the three. He loves music and movies and we always talk about them. One of us is always burning a cd to send to the other. But for whatever reason Tracy has decided her father doesn't exist. As much as he says he doesn't care, Cruzer often times will say something like, I wonder if this is why she hates me so. Or - maybe this is why. THat is what I find difficult to deal with. I am as supportive as possible, but I'm not sure it really helps. What would help is if SHE would tell him why she feels the way she does.
I remember the first time I spoke to Tracy on the phone. She said, "I'm sure my dad has told you how awful my mom is." I told her, "No, he hasn't. As a matter of fact, I don't even know her name. He never talks about her at all."That took her back. And it was true. OF course once we were engaged, he told me all about his feelings over their divorce and their lives afterwards. He has never put her down in anyway. About the most he has said in a negative way is he wished she had been strong enough to not listen to her family so much and build their lives for themselves. *Sigh* I doubt if the issue will ever be solved.
Guess I've rambled on enough.
I have my own life and it's impossible for you to know.........
My journaling class only gets better and better. I am going deep within and pulling out stuff long forgotten. That can be very refreshing as most of it is good stuff. Perhaps if I do this long enough, the good will replace the bad experiences I've had along my path.
I finished The Secret Lives of Bees. I think the book must have been put in my screen at this time as it speaks to my class. The journey that Lily makes in the book is one most of us never have to make. But I strongly believe each of us has to find the inner strength to continue on our way (travels).
Cruzer was very happy with his Father's Day gifts. He heard from both of his sons, but nothing from his daughter. She still hasn't bothered telling him her new address, phone number, etc. What angers me about it all is I know it hurts him and I have no control. His grandson won't even know him and it isn't right. I know, I know. This is something that needs to be accepted and move forward. But each time I see him aching because of how she treats him - even if it is non-contact, I can't seem to let it go. I tried getting to know her and encouraged their contact when we were first married. But the first birthday she didn't acknowledge him hurt him so bad. Then she started taking "my mother this" and "my mother that" and didn't say she even had a father in her posts to our group. Finally when she moved two years ago and didn't tell him her info, I drew my own line. I'll never reject her if she comes back into our lives, but nor will I ever totally trust her. She had a good thing and never even realized it. The boys are totally different. The are in contact with Cruzer all the time. They even talk to him via webcams. They are a delight. Especially the oldest boy is. We have so much in common and are able to talk about so many things in our emails, etc. The other son is the youngest of the three. He loves music and movies and we always talk about them. One of us is always burning a cd to send to the other. But for whatever reason Tracy has decided her father doesn't exist. As much as he says he doesn't care, Cruzer often times will say something like, I wonder if this is why she hates me so. Or - maybe this is why. THat is what I find difficult to deal with. I am as supportive as possible, but I'm not sure it really helps. What would help is if SHE would tell him why she feels the way she does.
I remember the first time I spoke to Tracy on the phone. She said, "I'm sure my dad has told you how awful my mom is." I told her, "No, he hasn't. As a matter of fact, I don't even know her name. He never talks about her at all."That took her back. And it was true. OF course once we were engaged, he told me all about his feelings over their divorce and their lives afterwards. He has never put her down in anyway. About the most he has said in a negative way is he wished she had been strong enough to not listen to her family so much and build their lives for themselves. *Sigh* I doubt if the issue will ever be solved.
Guess I've rambled on enough.
I have my own life and it's impossible for you to know.........
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
It's Been A Long, Long Time ........
.............Well, I'm finally back. I know I've been away awhile. I've been having some bad times along with the good and I haven't felt up to writing. I try to stay focused, but it's darn difficult to do while you're hurting.
Yesterday I lost my glasses. I panicked and it wasn't pretty. Here I had fallen asleep with them on while watching TV. Fortunately Cruzer was able to locate them for me. I was so sure they would be mangled when found, but they weren't. I guess that is something to be really grateful for the day.
Why do I volunteer so much? I'm sincere when I do so. But chances are by the time the activity is due, I'll be in pain and not able to complete things on time. No matter how early I start a project, I always seem to be late in getting it done. One of my goals for this year is: Just Do It! Now if I could do just that.
Memorial Day was great. Cruzer made us brats on the grill. The recipe came from Piney and they are delish! I had taken Maxine for a long spin, then we went for a small ride along the river. Then those wonderful brats!
Piney’s Brats
Now, you can use Johnsonville brats if you can't find Usingers. But Usingers are the VERY BEST brats in the whole wide world!
In a large pot add:2 cans of beerChopped onion (one or two depending on how many brats you’ll be grilling)1 to 2 sticks of real butter (again depending on how many you’ll be grilling) Turn the burner on low, add the brats, and let them soak for a few hours. They'll swell all up and may even split, but that's ok, cuz when you grill them, the skins will split anyway, and they'll baste themselves in the beer brine as they cook. They are ready to eat at this point, but we always grill them to add color.Serve them on warmed hoagie rolls with good mustard (I like Guldens). You can also top your brat with sauerkraut if you want to, or they're really yummy with a few fried apple rings.
Sadly, it rained in the evening. Yesterday was still humid and during the night it stormed. I mean it really stormed.
I've been a scrapping fool lately. Well, at least for me. I am proud of the last page I made. It was a black and white page. The photo was b&w, too. It is of my niece after she won a pie eating contest. I used water colored pencils to tint small sections of the picture. I thought I had good luck with it.

Just for today, I'll be a star.........
Yesterday I lost my glasses. I panicked and it wasn't pretty. Here I had fallen asleep with them on while watching TV. Fortunately Cruzer was able to locate them for me. I was so sure they would be mangled when found, but they weren't. I guess that is something to be really grateful for the day.
Why do I volunteer so much? I'm sincere when I do so. But chances are by the time the activity is due, I'll be in pain and not able to complete things on time. No matter how early I start a project, I always seem to be late in getting it done. One of my goals for this year is: Just Do It! Now if I could do just that.
Memorial Day was great. Cruzer made us brats on the grill. The recipe came from Piney and they are delish! I had taken Maxine for a long spin, then we went for a small ride along the river. Then those wonderful brats!
Piney’s Brats
Now, you can use Johnsonville brats if you can't find Usingers. But Usingers are the VERY BEST brats in the whole wide world!
In a large pot add:2 cans of beerChopped onion (one or two depending on how many brats you’ll be grilling)1 to 2 sticks of real butter (again depending on how many you’ll be grilling) Turn the burner on low, add the brats, and let them soak for a few hours. They'll swell all up and may even split, but that's ok, cuz when you grill them, the skins will split anyway, and they'll baste themselves in the beer brine as they cook. They are ready to eat at this point, but we always grill them to add color.Serve them on warmed hoagie rolls with good mustard (I like Guldens). You can also top your brat with sauerkraut if you want to, or they're really yummy with a few fried apple rings.
Sadly, it rained in the evening. Yesterday was still humid and during the night it stormed. I mean it really stormed.
I've been a scrapping fool lately. Well, at least for me. I am proud of the last page I made. It was a black and white page. The photo was b&w, too. It is of my niece after she won a pie eating contest. I used water colored pencils to tint small sections of the picture. I thought I had good luck with it.
Just for today, I'll be a star.........
Monday, May 23, 2005
And I'm so lost...........
Cruzer and I had a good weekend, too. We watched an older movie "Passion Fish" which we both really enjoyed. I was surprised he liked it so much. But the scenery in it is great - Lousiana Bayou type stuff. The language can be raw at times, but it was a good story. I worked on starting my Family and Friends cookbook. I'm calling it Cottage Cooking. The first recipe I received was from a neighbor. It is for cookies, so I made it in the last section of the album which I have called "Just Desserts". Here is a picture:

What do ya'l think?
Yesterday Cruzer was cleaning out some brush on our property line. He brought in a branch with leaves that resembled marjuana. He called the none emergency line at the sheriff's dept to ask for help in case it was. He went back outside and started to tear them all out. The deputy arrived as he was finishing. Heh! They were blackberry leaves!! He searched and there are still a few he missed, so he is going to have them grow up rather than stay on the ground.
A mama bird made a nest in a shrub next to our front steps. Some of her eggs have hatched, but others have not. We are cautious around it and try our best to keep our puppers away. Cruzer puts bread crumbs on top of the bush to make it easier for her to feed the babies. He also put some of the berries from the vines on it for her, too. She really squacks if she is away from the nest and anyone gets close. I'm not sure if she would attack, but she lets us know.
Yesterday I also started the journal I'm going to be sending you, Mersea.
That's it. A good weekend for sure. And yesterday was darn near perfect. It was right around 80 with a wonderful breeze.
So gol darn lost...........
What do ya'l think?
Yesterday Cruzer was cleaning out some brush on our property line. He brought in a branch with leaves that resembled marjuana. He called the none emergency line at the sheriff's dept to ask for help in case it was. He went back outside and started to tear them all out. The deputy arrived as he was finishing. Heh! They were blackberry leaves!! He searched and there are still a few he missed, so he is going to have them grow up rather than stay on the ground.
A mama bird made a nest in a shrub next to our front steps. Some of her eggs have hatched, but others have not. We are cautious around it and try our best to keep our puppers away. Cruzer puts bread crumbs on top of the bush to make it easier for her to feed the babies. He also put some of the berries from the vines on it for her, too. She really squacks if she is away from the nest and anyone gets close. I'm not sure if she would attack, but she lets us know.
Yesterday I also started the journal I'm going to be sending you, Mersea.
That's it. A good weekend for sure. And yesterday was darn near perfect. It was right around 80 with a wonderful breeze.
So gol darn lost...........
Friday, May 20, 2005
I've Got the World on a String
I have decided to do a project that I hope will be a family heirloom. I've already request several friends to help out. What am I doing? I'm asking friends and family from all over to hand write a recipe on a 4 x 6 card, send a picture of themselves, and tell their favorite color. I have a photo album that size the is broken into sections naturally. I'm going to use the divisions as categories. I want to add a file marker and attach ribbons to open to those sections. So it will end up being a sort of cookbook/scrapbook. The recipe will be on one side and on the next side will be the picture with some journaling about the person. So, if anyone might read this and like to help out, lemmenaux and I'll get you my mailing info. There really isn't a time limit set because if I fill one, I'll start another! lol !! I know this is a big undertaking, but I feel it will be well worth it in the end. I think I'll really enjoy combining some of my favorite passions - friends and family, scrapbooking, and recipes.
My cousin has been in contact with me a lot this past week. She has had some similar symptoms I have had. She is even shaking like I do. What I call my forgetfulness, she calls a grey out. When she starts to get them, she has panic attacks. Unreal! Perhaps this is something that is heredity since we are both of the same generation. I was shocked when she sent me an email that detailed her symptoms. I thought she was talking about ME. When I see the doctor again, I'm going to ask him if there is any indication it could be.Right now Bob is at the store. It's a nice quiet time. Both dogs are are sacked out - Tino at my feet and Buddy with his back to us both, protecting us. I hate to bother them, but I really need to get some reading done. I'm going to be doing another review for Harper. This time it is a Michael Lee West book. She is such a wonderful writer.
Raindrops keep falling,,,,,,
My cousin has been in contact with me a lot this past week. She has had some similar symptoms I have had. She is even shaking like I do. What I call my forgetfulness, she calls a grey out. When she starts to get them, she has panic attacks. Unreal! Perhaps this is something that is heredity since we are both of the same generation. I was shocked when she sent me an email that detailed her symptoms. I thought she was talking about ME. When I see the doctor again, I'm going to ask him if there is any indication it could be.Right now Bob is at the store. It's a nice quiet time. Both dogs are are sacked out - Tino at my feet and Buddy with his back to us both, protecting us. I hate to bother them, but I really need to get some reading done. I'm going to be doing another review for Harper. This time it is a Michael Lee West book. She is such a wonderful writer.
Raindrops keep falling,,,,,,
Sunday, May 15, 2005
I hear music
Yes, I love music. Many of my titles and endings on my blog will be titles or lines of songs I like. I especially like the big band sounds and oldies, which I consider to be classic rock. It is difficult for me to choose what kind I like most as I have so many styles I love.
When I scrap, I usually have music on. If not music then some news show, but mostly music. Same way when I am on the computer. Some of my earliest memories are music playing. Most likely - if I live long enough - I'll scrap some of my favorite music or artists.
Knowing how I feel it is strange that I haven't been to that many concerts. I hate crowds and am a tad claustrophobic, so I prefer to listen and watch at home. I've had some interesting encounters, though. I had my picture taken with Robert Goulet before he was well known. He was in little theater in my home town community. We had breakfast in a restaurant and the only other people in the place were the Oak Ridge Boys. They initiated chatting with us. I saw Louis Jordan at our mall and all but melted when he took my hand. I was chosen with thirty others to go back stage to meet Alabama after the Roll On Tour. I got autographs and a kiss on the cheek from Randy Owen. But still, I shy away from those concerts. A recent one I missed was last week. Neil Diamond was in Jacksonville. I would have loved to have seen him in person, but tickets sold out in a few hours. Jimmy Buffet was here a few months ago and his sold out in a matter of minutes. So, I'll content myself listening to my CD's and watching old tapes I've made. And list some favorite lines in my blog.
And the beat goes on,
When I scrap, I usually have music on. If not music then some news show, but mostly music. Same way when I am on the computer. Some of my earliest memories are music playing. Most likely - if I live long enough - I'll scrap some of my favorite music or artists.
Knowing how I feel it is strange that I haven't been to that many concerts. I hate crowds and am a tad claustrophobic, so I prefer to listen and watch at home. I've had some interesting encounters, though. I had my picture taken with Robert Goulet before he was well known. He was in little theater in my home town community. We had breakfast in a restaurant and the only other people in the place were the Oak Ridge Boys. They initiated chatting with us. I saw Louis Jordan at our mall and all but melted when he took my hand. I was chosen with thirty others to go back stage to meet Alabama after the Roll On Tour. I got autographs and a kiss on the cheek from Randy Owen. But still, I shy away from those concerts. A recent one I missed was last week. Neil Diamond was in Jacksonville. I would have loved to have seen him in person, but tickets sold out in a few hours. Jimmy Buffet was here a few months ago and his sold out in a matter of minutes. So, I'll content myself listening to my CD's and watching old tapes I've made. And list some favorite lines in my blog.
And the beat goes on,
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Here I am; there I go
Well here I am starting a new experience in Blogging for Ang's sake. One day I may get it together enough to actually understand what the heck I'm doing. Man, did I ever have a difficult time naming this sucker!! lol!! For amusment's sake, I'll post a picture.

That took me a long time. I think I need to work a lot more on my html coding! OK, here's another:
For now, I'm outta here. Will be back later.
"I may be back again ......... one day."
That took me a long time. I think I need to work a lot more on my html coding! OK, here's another:
For now, I'm outta here. Will be back later.
"I may be back again ......... one day."
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