Friday, July 29, 2005

My Friday Five

1. What was your first job?
My first job was at a local department store as a cashier. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot about retailing

2. How much did you make?
I started at $1.25/hr and was at $1.40 when I left. Remember this was in 1965/66.

3. Describe your least favorite co-worker of all time.
It had to be one supervisor (not mine thank goodness) who believed women had no place in law enforcement and did his very best to get them all fired. He found fault if you stayed calm and he found fault if he thought you were excited. It was impossible to do what he considered a good job no matter how hard you worked. He wouldn't give anyone - man or woman - a positive job rating because he felt no one ever did their best because no one is perfect! Even the men disliked his trying to lead with intimidation. I always dreaded when he filled in for my own supervisor.

4. What is your dream job?
My dream job would be to lead four creative retreats each year. I could also write, paint, draw, scrap, etc. to my heart's content during this time. Two would have to be near the ocean and two in the mountains.

5. What do you currently do and do you like it?
I coach journaling and love it.

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