Monday, June 20, 2005

Monday, Monday

Today is so lovely. The first thing this morning I took Maxine and we went for a long ride around the neighborhood. It amazes me that my parents moved here in 1974 and I started visiting them at least twice a year. Then I moved here full time in March of 1991. In July of 1992 I moved to this home. Yet, each time I go into the neighborhood I discover something new that I never noticed before. Everything seems to be ever changing and evovling. I'm a little sadden to think the new condo community that is being built will double our population practically over night. We'll be going from about 250 residents to over 500!! I know that might sound small, but to us it's huge.

My journaling class only gets better and better. I am going deep within and pulling out stuff long forgotten. That can be very refreshing as most of it is good stuff. Perhaps if I do this long enough, the good will replace the bad experiences I've had along my path.
I finished The Secret Lives of Bees. I think the book must have been put in my screen at this time as it speaks to my class. The journey that Lily makes in the book is one most of us never have to make. But I strongly believe each of us has to find the inner strength to continue on our way (travels).

Cruzer was very happy with his Father's Day gifts. He heard from both of his sons, but nothing from his daughter. She still hasn't bothered telling him her new address, phone number, etc. What angers me about it all is I know it hurts him and I have no control. His grandson won't even know him and it isn't right. I know, I know. This is something that needs to be accepted and move forward. But each time I see him aching because of how she treats him - even if it is non-contact, I can't seem to let it go. I tried getting to know her and encouraged their contact when we were first married. But the first birthday she didn't acknowledge him hurt him so bad. Then she started taking "my mother this" and "my mother that" and didn't say she even had a father in her posts to our group. Finally when she moved two years ago and didn't tell him her info, I drew my own line. I'll never reject her if she comes back into our lives, but nor will I ever totally trust her. She had a good thing and never even realized it. The boys are totally different. The are in contact with Cruzer all the time. They even talk to him via webcams. They are a delight. Especially the oldest boy is. We have so much in common and are able to talk about so many things in our emails, etc. The other son is the youngest of the three. He loves music and movies and we always talk about them. One of us is always burning a cd to send to the other. But for whatever reason Tracy has decided her father doesn't exist. As much as he says he doesn't care, Cruzer often times will say something like, I wonder if this is why she hates me so. Or - maybe this is why. THat is what I find difficult to deal with. I am as supportive as possible, but I'm not sure it really helps. What would help is if SHE would tell him why she feels the way she does.
I remember the first time I spoke to Tracy on the phone. She said, "I'm sure my dad has told you how awful my mom is." I told her, "No, he hasn't. As a matter of fact, I don't even know her name. He never talks about her at all."That took her back. And it was true. OF course once we were engaged, he told me all about his feelings over their divorce and their lives afterwards. He has never put her down in anyway. About the most he has said in a negative way is he wished she had been strong enough to not listen to her family so much and build their lives for themselves. *Sigh* I doubt if the issue will ever be solved.

Guess I've rambled on enough.
I have my own life and it's impossible for you to know.........

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