**Some of this post is a repeat of my last post, but I wanted to get everything in order.**
This week has been simply phenomenal! It all started last Wednesday. My wonderful nephew testified in front of the total House International Relations Committee on Global Water and Sanitation (HR1979). It was web-cast live and I watched the entire thing. His 6 minute brief was so great! He covered all important issues and why they should concern the US. I was so proud of him. My mama would have been, too. Geoff's work is her legacy of love for the environment and caring for it.
Thursday we started to change the computer room with the spare bedroom. We are basically into the computer room, but there is still tons of de-cluttering to accomplish. But we are finding things we thought were lost forever!! lol !!It has been a real experience, I can tell you with all honesty.
During this time, I have been working with one of my new friends in getting what is called a Circle Journal going. But this one is unique as it will be faith based. I'm so looking forward to doing it.
My journaling class got better and better this week, too. I'm really getting to know the members and we are sharing all kinds of travel together. It doesn't matter if it is inner or physical. Some of us have physical issues that are taking us on new travels and others are actually taking trips. One of the women writes of her travels in poems. I'm so enjoying this class, I think, better than any other I've taken.
Friday I received a wonderful altered book from my friend Vicki. It is quite lovely. It is done in shades of purple (my favorite) and is adorned with hearts, flowers, and other embellishments. Ribbons are tied onto the side. She used a bracelet with a purple flip flop charm to be used as a bookmark! I really, really love it! On the inside page, she added a postcard from where she lives as she know I collect postcards. I feel so honored that she thought enough of me to gift me with this book.
Sunday I had an full blown asthma attack. Thank goodness for emergency inhalers or I would have ended up in the hospital. As it was, I was rather worn down by it all. When I went to get up, I fell. My entire left side ached like you wouldn't believe!! During the night, the meds wore off and I was so achy breaky I couldn't sleep, so off to the computer I went. I had sprained my left hand so I really didn't get to do much, but I did read a lot.
Monday was a lovely day for the most part. I had Maxine out and Bob and I sat out in the morning having our morning libations - he had coffee and I had my iced water. The dogs were out, too, and we all enjoyed the nice weather. By late afternoon it started to storm. Instead of having our food on the grill, we did them on the George Foreman indoors. It still tasted good and was a real treat.
Yesterday one of the scrapbook boards I go to was having a special day to celebrate Independence Day. Every 1/2 hour a name was drawn for a prize. Low and behold, I won one of the prizes. It is a cutting system with bunches of templates - which I get to choose. The entire prize is valued at $500.00!! The amazing thing is, I had just posted asking for opinions on which was the best as I was considering buying one. Now I can have almost all of it!! And to top it off, I rarely win anything!! I'm still stunned about it all, and ever so grateful to the company who has the community for giving such a wonderful prize. One other person won this same gift and the only bigger prize was the finale prize!
Needless to say this week has been mixed blessings and one I'm not likely to forget anytime soon.
And the beat goes on....