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Although I did it several weeks ago, I didn't get to add it until today. This was a challenge at CX for the SADT. I really enjoyed doing it about my home area and journaling how I thought things would change in 10 years time.This past week was really bad. I got sun poisoning and have been really sick. Even though I am doing much better at this time, I still tire very easily. It's all quite depressing because of all the rain we've had again. This time from the beader bands from Hurricane Rita.Watching the coverage this morning, I am fearful for a friend of mine in Lake Charles, LA. She lost her husband this year and now she has to deal with this. Although I haven't seen her for about six years, I can't imagine her going through everything without her DH. Her brother and mother lost their homes in the NOLA area during Katrina. My prayers are with them all.Another thing that concerns me is my friend's place in east Texas. It is right on the river and massive flooding is predicted. Then there is Katy who lives right on the ocean in west LA. There are other friends in the area of Rita, too. It can really get to me, if I let it. I keep thinking how fortunate Janna was during Katrina, but there is more flooding in NOLA. I pray her home isn't damaged further. Thankfully she has family they can stay with. Her baby was 5 days old when it hit. Her DH has had to leave the area with the college football team he helps coach. They have been seperated, but are ok.The news channels have reported that those who aren't touched, feel PTS from it. I can understand that from having gotten through Frances and Jeanne last year. Sure, we had damage, but we didn't loose everything as some of our neighbors did.For now, I need to close. It is really difficult to think about it all, but writing it down has helped a lot.Ang
We had to write a scene of the heroine being late and asking for directions. Here is my effort.Ang+++++++"Perspiration on her brow threatened to make its way into her blue eyes. She was late. The man on the phone had been very specific about the time for this meeting. To make matters worse she wasn’t sure if the address was north or south on Market Street. She glanced quickly at her watch to check the time. This had to be the tenth time in as many minutes, showing how nervous she was becoming. As she looked back at the intersection, she noticed a man leaning against the front of the bank.“Excuse me, Sir,” she said as she approached him. She hoped her voice didn’t project the panic she felt.“Do you mean me, Little Lady?” Hazel eyes were mocking her as he spoke, boldly looking her straight in the eye. At five foot ten, she could hardly be described as little anything, and hearing this made her testier. “Why yes, yes I am. Could you possibly show me the direction of the Cozy Café?” She knew she sounded sarcastic which wasn’t at all like her.He stood looking at her. Actually it was more like a stare. Finally he responded, “I’m headed there myself, if you care to walk along. I promise I’m not an axe murderer.” His grin revealed a dimple in his right check.Thinking how handsome his smile made him, she didn’t hesitate. “Thank you………”“Mike, just call me Mike.”“Thank you, Mike, I’d like that.” She had been cautioned not to mention the meeting to anyone and she had to catch herself from explaining she was late.“You have me at a disadvantage, Miss……. It is Miss, isn’t it?” Was he flirting with her? She could feel the heat rising in her face, much to her chagrin. “Linda. And yes, it is Miss.” She knew she was really blushing now. She didn’t dare tell him her real name. Keeping introductions on a first name basis was prudent, but unnatural for such a straightforward person.They fell into step with each other, keeping their thoughts to themselves. As soon as he guided her north, she could see the sign hanging on the building announcing the café and felt silly that she had been lost. Now she would have to think of a way to make sure he didn’t see who she was meeting. “All this secrecy,” she thought. “I really don’t like this, but what if anyone figures out what is happening.” It wasn’t worth being polite and comfortable at the risk of putting lives in danger including her own."
Ophelia is sitting off the coast churning away. Everyone is praying she'll turn and go north and east and not come ashore. In the meantime, high winds and rain have been going on for days. St Augustine Beach has some serious erosion going on and St Augustine itself has flooded streets. I feel like all our history is being taken from us. :( Perhaps I would feel better if I could get outside with Maxine. Oh, I know I am spoiled and highly blessed, but being housebound again has depressed me and is turning my mind to mush.My writing class started this week. I haven't received the book and already feel lost. The teacher seems to expect us to do nothing but spend time on the class, which is pretty unrealistic. Some of the class work takes 5 hours to read and 4 1/2 on the cooresponding writing. At least that is what she estimates. Geesh!! If this was for credit I could understand, but it is simply for "fun". Perhaps I'll try my hand at the writing assignments and let the rest go and retake the class the next time it is offered. I'm not sure yet. It's difficult to answer questions when you don't have a book. B&N really messed up on this one.As we move further from the actual event, I'm so tired of all the politicing going on about Katrina. So many callous people who aren't willing to lend a hand to the million or so that are now homeless and without work. Not everyone involved is on welfare for crying out loud!! On a list I belong to one guy said, they should have been prepared and not gripe because they weren't!! So selfish and self centered. I guess this is what is wrong with our country. Too many of us have no realization that it could have been them. At any time our fortunes can change through no fault of our own. How very, very sad.Before I start having my blood pressure rise over thoughtless politicans and callous others, I think I'll close. Knowing so many personally who have done more than their share to help brings joy when I consider it. That is what I need to do now. Look for the joy.One heartbeat at a time..........
A Baptist minister on our local access station was preaching that this monster storm was God's punishing New Orleans for being a Catholic city and Biloxi for supporting evil gambling! No prayers were asked for no calls for help - only this. I was so sickened by it, I couldn't do anything for several hours, because I would cry. I don't know where this guy gets off saying such a thing and calling himself "Christian" at the same time. Scary, huh? He's part of the coalition to get prayer back into schools. I'm not so certain he should be the one deciding. Ang