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Cruzer and I had a good weekend, too. We watched an older movie "Passion Fish" which we both really enjoyed. I was surprised he liked it so much. But the scenery in it is great - Lousiana Bayou type stuff. The language can be raw at times, but it was a good story. I worked on starting my Family and Friends cookbook. I'm calling it Cottage Cooking. The first recipe I received was from a neighbor. It is for cookies, so I made it in the last section of the album which I have called "Just Desserts". Here is a picture:

What do ya'l think?
Yesterday Cruzer was cleaning out some brush on our property line. He brought in a branch with leaves that resembled marjuana. He called the none emergency line at the sheriff's dept to ask for help in case it was. He went back outside and started to tear them all out. The deputy arrived as he was finishing. Heh! They were blackberry leaves!! He searched and there are still a few he missed, so he is going to have them grow up rather than stay on the ground.
A mama bird made a nest in a shrub next to our front steps. Some of her eggs have hatched, but others have not. We are cautious around it and try our best to keep our puppers away. Cruzer puts bread crumbs on top of the bush to make it easier for her to feed the babies. He also put some of the berries from the vines on it for her, too. She really squacks if she is away from the nest and anyone gets close. I'm not sure if she would attack, but she lets us know.
Yesterday I also started the journal I'm going to be sending you, Mersea.
That's it. A good weekend for sure. And yesterday was darn near perfect. It was right around 80 with a wonderful breeze.
So gol darn lost...........Ang
I have decided to do a project that I hope will be a family heirloom. I've already request several friends to help out. What am I doing? I'm asking friends and family from all over to hand write a recipe on a 4 x 6 card, send a picture of themselves, and tell their favorite color. I have a photo album that size the is broken into sections naturally. I'm going to use the divisions as categories. I want to add a file marker and attach ribbons to open to those sections. So it will end up being a sort of cookbook/scrapbook. The recipe will be on one side and on the next side will be the picture with some journaling about the person. So, if anyone might read this and like to help out, lemmenaux and I'll get you my mailing info. There really isn't a time limit set because if I fill one, I'll start another! lol !! I know this is a big undertaking, but I feel it will be well worth it in the end. I think I'll really enjoy combining some of my favorite passions - friends and family, scrapbooking, and recipes. My cousin has been in contact with me a lot this past week. She has had some similar symptoms I have had. She is even shaking like I do. What I call my forgetfulness, she calls a grey out. When she starts to get them, she has panic attacks. Unreal! Perhaps this is something that is heredity since we are both of the same generation. I was shocked when she sent me an email that detailed her symptoms. I thought she was talking about ME. When I see the doctor again, I'm going to ask him if there is any indication it could be.Right now Bob is at the store. It's a nice quiet time. Both dogs are are sacked out - Tino at my feet and Buddy with his back to us both, protecting us. I hate to bother them, but I really need to get some reading done. I'm going to be doing another review for Harper. This time it is a Michael Lee West book. She is such a wonderful writer.Raindrops keep falling,,,,,,Ang
Yes, I love music. Many of my titles and endings on my blog will be titles or lines of songs I like. I especially like the big band sounds and oldies, which I consider to be classic rock. It is difficult for me to choose what kind I like most as I have so many styles I love. When I scrap, I usually have music on. If not music then some news show, but mostly music. Same way when I am on the computer. Some of my earliest memories are music playing. Most likely - if I live long enough - I'll scrap some of my favorite music or artists.Knowing how I feel it is strange that I haven't been to that many concerts. I hate crowds and am a tad claustrophobic, so I prefer to listen and watch at home. I've had some interesting encounters, though. I had my picture taken with Robert Goulet before he was well known. He was in little theater in my home town community. We had breakfast in a restaurant and the only other people in the place were the Oak Ridge Boys. They initiated chatting with us. I saw Louis Jordan at our mall and all but melted when he took my hand. I was chosen with thirty others to go back stage to meet Alabama after the Roll On Tour. I got autographs and a kiss on the cheek from Randy Owen. But still, I shy away from those concerts. A recent one I missed was last week. Neil Diamond was in Jacksonville. I would have loved to have seen him in person, but tickets sold out in a few hours. Jimmy Buffet was here a few months ago and his sold out in a matter of minutes. So, I'll content myself listening to my CD's and watching old tapes I've made. And list some favorite lines in my blog.And the beat goes on,Ang
Well here I am starting a new experience in Blogging for Ang's sake. One day I may get it together enough to actually understand what the heck I'm doing. Man, did I ever have a difficult time naming this sucker!! lol!! For amusment's sake, I'll post a picture.

That took me a long time. I think I need to work a lot more on my html coding! OK, here's another:
For now, I'm outta here. Will be back later."I may be back again ......... one day."Ang